sábado, 11 de agosto de 2012

189. Favorite Ghost

It's been a time since you left the strange behind and turned into a ghost; my personal and favorite ghost.
Somebody turned off the lights; and left me here alone. So I look deep in myself and it's you that I see. Because I want to believe, and I really believe that I am where you are.
Your voice's a whisper into my ears; your touch's a shiver into my skin. But don't blame it on me.
Oh, no!
It's not me!
It's only tension about the night...

3 Manifestações:

FOXX disse...

dava meu dedo mindinho pra saber qm inspirou isso... hehehe

Paulo Roberto Figueiredo Braccini - Bratz disse...

dava meus dois dedos mindinhos pra saber qm inspirou isso... hehehe [2s] ...

railer disse...

uau, declarações implícitas... rs

você escreve muito bem!